文化ファッション大学院大学 ファッションビジネス研究科

72文化学園大学は、半世紀を超える歴史と伝統をもとに、服装学・生活造形学のパイオニアとして常に時代をリードする独自の教育を行っています。ファッション・デザイン・建築、観光などの領域を学ぶ「服装学部」「造形学部」「国際文化学部」の3学部、および「大学院」で構成され、グローバリゼーション、イノベーション、クリエーションを教育の柱とし、世界水準で専門的かつ実践的な教育を行う特色ある大学として、国際化社会を先導する人材を育成しています。Bunka Gakuen University is a pioneer in the study of Fashion and Living Art and Design, it has been offering a unique educational philosophy that is always on the cutting edge, and along with more than half a century of history and tradition. The university is consisted of three faculties in the area of Fashion, Design, Architecture and Tourism (Faculty of Fashion Science, Faculty of Art and Design, Faculty of Intercultural Studies), and Graduate School. With its tenets of education being globalization, innovation, and creation, Bunka Gakuen University develops talents to lead the way in a globalized society, as a university providing world-class education in specialized and practical fields.文化服装学院は、1923年の創立から100年以上もの間、日本におけるファッション専門教育の指導的な役割を果たし、髙田賢三、山本耀司、高橋 盾をはじめ、世界で活躍するファッションデザイナーを育成、輩出しています。ファッション産業界の力強い担い手を養成すべく、業界全域をフォローする学科を設置し、「服飾専門課程」「ファッション工科専門課程」「ファッション流通専門課程」「ファッション工芸専門課程」の4課程に分かれ、専門知識・技術を修得するためのカリキュラムを提供しています。Bunka Fashion College has played a leading role in professional fashion training in Japan for more than 100 years since its establishment in 1923, and has trained and produced fashion designers who are active in the world, including Kenzo Takada, Yohji Yamamoto, and Jun Takahashi. To nurture reliable leaders in the fashion industry, Bunka Fashion College offers a wide range of courses which cover all areas in the industry. These courses are divided into four departments: Fashion Creation Department, Fashion Technology Department, Fashion Marketing and Distribution Department, and Fashion Accessories and Textiles Department. Bunka Fashion College offers curriculums for students to acquire specialized knowledge and skills.1980年に開校した文化外国語専門学校は、東京都より認可されている日本語教育の専門教育機関です。「日本語科」では、毎年アジアをはじめ、ヨーロッパ、南米など平均35か国以上から留学生が集まり、それぞれの日本語力に応じたクラスで学んでいます。独自に開発した「読む・聞く・書く・話す」の能力を伸ばすカリキュラムとテキストによる指導法は、 高い評価を得ています。日本語教師を目指す「日本語教師養成科」、就職を目指す「日本語通訳ビジネス科」も設置しています。The Bunka Institute of Language first opened its doors in 1980. It was certified as an educational institute for Japanese Language studies by the Tokyo Metropolitan Govern-ment. We have “Japanese Language Course,” and two specialized courses : “Japanese Language Teacher Training Course” for those who aspire to become Japanese language teachers, and “Business Japanese Interpreting Course” for those who aim to attain a career using Japanese. In Japanese Language Course, we consistently have students from 35 countries on the average from Asia, Europe, South America and more. They study in class-es matched to their respective Japanese abilities. Our practical coaching methods based on a curriculum and textbooks developed uniquely by the school to build the abilities of reading, listening, writing and speaking have an established reputation.文化学園大学Bunka Gakuen University文化服装学院Bunka Fashion College文化外国語専門学校Bunka Institute of Language

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